Saturday, May 23, 2020
Biology Homework Help Resources
Biology, the study of life, can be fascinating and wondrous. However, certain biology topics can sometimes seem incomprehensible. The best way to get a clear understanding of difficult biology concepts is to study them at home, as well as at school. Students should use quality biology homework help resources when studying. Below are some good resources and information to help you answer some of your biology homework questions. Key Takeaways Biology homework and assignments can be difficult to understand. Always make sure to avail yourself of all available resources so that you can succeed.Your instructor, fellow students, and tutors can be invaluable to help make sure that you get clarification on concepts that you dont understand.Understanding key biological concepts like cell processes, DNA, and genetics are helpful in understanding some of the foundations of biology.Use sample biology quizzes and online resources to test your grasp of biology concepts. Biology Homework Help Resources Anatomy of the HeartLearn about this amazing organ that supplies blood to the entire body. Animal TissuesInformation on the structure and function of animal tissue types. Bio-Word DissectionsLearn how to dissect difficult biology words so that they are easy to understand. Brain BasicsThe brain is one of the largest and most important organs of the human body. Weighing in at about three pounds, this organ has a wide range of responsibilities. Characteristics of LifeWhat are the basic characteristics of life? How To Study for Biology Exams Biology exams can seem intimidating and overwhelming. The key to overcoming these obstacles is preparation. Learn how to do well on your biology test. Organ SystemsThe human body is made up of several organ systems that work together as one unit. Learn about these systems and how they work together. The Magic of PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis is a process in which light energy is used to produce sugar and other organic compounds. Cells Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic CellsTake a journey into the cell to find out about the cell structure and classification of both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Cellular RespirationCellular respiration is the process by which cells harvest the energy stored in food. Differences Between Plant and Animal CellsPlant and animal cells are similar in that both are eukaryotic cells. However, there are several important differences between these two cell types. Prokaryotic CellsProkaryotes are single-celled organisms that are the earliest and most primitive forms of life on earth. Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaeans. 10 Different Types of Cells in the Human Body The body contains trillions of cells that come in varying shapes and sizes. Explore some of the different types of cells in the body. 7 Differences Between Mitosis and MeiosisCells divide either through the process of mitosis or meiosis. Sex cells are produced through meiosis, while all other body cell types are produced through mitosis. DNA Processes Steps of DNA ReplicationDNA replication is the process of copying the DNA within our cells. This process involves RNA and several enzymes, including DNA polymerase and primase. How Does DNA Transcription Work?DNA transcription is a process that involves the transcribing of genetic information from DNA to RNA. Genes are transcribed in order to produce proteins. Translation and Protein SynthesisProtein synthesis is accomplished through a process called translation. In translation, RNA and ribosomes work together to produce proteins. Genetics Genetics GuideGenetics is the study of inheritance or heredity. This guide helps you to understand basic genetics principles. Why We Look Like Our ParentsHave you ever wondered why you have the same eye color as your parent? Traits are inherited by the transmission of genes from parents to their young. What Is Polygenic Inheritance?Polygenic inheritance is the inheritance of traits such as skin color, eye color and hair color, that are determined by more than one gene. How Gene Mutation OccursA gene mutation is any change that occurs in the DNA. These changes can be beneficial to, have some effect on, or be seriously detrimental to an organism. What Traits Are Determined by Your Sex Chromosomes?Sex-linked traits originate from genes found on sex chromosomes. Hemophilia is an example of a common sex-linked disorder that is an X-linked recessive trait. Quizzes Cellular Respiration QuizCellular respiration allows cells to harvest the energy in the foods we eat. Test your knowledge of cellular respiration by taking this quiz! Genetics and Heredity QuizDo you know the difference between codominance and incomplete dominance? Test your knowledge of genetics by taking the Genetics and Heredity Quiz! How Much Do You Know About Mitosis?In mitosis, the nucleus from a cell is divided equally between two cells. Test your knowledge of mitosis and cell division by taking the Mitosis Quiz! Getting Additional Help The above information provides a basic foundation for various biology topics. If you find that you still have problems understanding the material, dont be afraid to request assistance from an instructor or tutor. They can help clarify concepts so that you can gain a deeper understanding of biological concepts.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Drug Abuse Essay - 690 Words
Drug abuse is a widespread problem that makes individual drug users the prime victims. But drugs also affect all of us, wherever we live and whatever we do. Drug abuse can cause serious physical and mental deterioration. The problem can tear apart the family structure and make it hard for learning. Difficulties on the job due to drug abuse make it hard for employers to run their businesses. Stealing form employers or from individuals to get money from for drugs causes pain and economic loss to the victims. Arrests and jailing of drug users and dealers puts a strain on law enforcement officials and the criminal justice systems; the cost to taxpayers is enormous. The millions of dollars spent on illegal drugs in America encourage criminal†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless, they have been found to increase the effect of other drugs tat depress the central nervous system, including alcohol, antihistamines, barbiturates narcotics, sedatives, and tranquilizers. Two of the main typ es of antidepressants are Elavil and tofranil. Anti-anxiety tranquilizers are drugs that have a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieve anxiety and tension, and sometimes relax the skeletal muscles. The drugs have been shown to have undesirable side effects and to be habit-forming tranquilizers are especially dangerous as then intensify the effects of other depressants; tranquilizers can cause coma and even death. Librium and Valium are two examples of anti-anxiety tranquilizers that produce effects like alcohol barbiturates are often abused. Anti-psychotic tranquilizers are a major classification of drugs commonly used to treat serious psychiatric problems. The drugs, such as Thorazine, are rarely used non-medically, because that does not produce euphoric effects. Still, the drugs are sometimes preferred to barbiturates as calming agents because they do not cause physical dependence and even in large doses do not result in coma. Cannabis is a general word used to refer to preparation such as hashish, hash oil, and marijuana that are consumed for their intoxicating effects. The intensity of the reactions depends on such factors as the potency of the drugs, the mood and expectation ofShow MoreRelatedDrug Of Drug And Drug Abuse1538 Words  | 7 PagesDrug Resistance Drug use has become an increasing problem among high schoolers and teenagers around the same age. Ever since the drug war of the 1900s, drugs have been a major problem in today’s society. â€Å"Use of drugs such as opium, morphine, and other byproducts were common in twentieth century America†(Dobkin, 1998). While most students in standard high school drug education know about the use of coca leaves in Coca-Cola and the opium trade in China, drug addiction during the century is muchRead MoreDrug Abuse1279 Words  | 6 PagesThe use of and abuse of illegal and prescription drugs are a health, social, and law enforcement problem that is affecting Americans across the country. Drug abuse is destroying the lives of many teens and adults and is also destroying families in the United States. The use of drugs is a major problem in the United States among all Americans, but drug addiction is the main cause for America s troubled teens today. Exactly what is a drug? A drug is any chemical that produces a therapeutic or non-therapeuticRead MoreDrug Abuse8640 Words  | 35 Pagesreport on ‘drug abuse’ has been made by our group to give an idea of the calamitous cause of using drugs in improper way. The report is intended to serve the purpose of providing the knowledge about drug abuse and to suggest ways to help limit drug abuse. An effort has been made on our part to include certain symptoms which indicate drug abuse. Also throughout the report, repetitive use of the drug abuse’ has been made to instate into the minds of the reader the cause of using drug abuse in an illicitRead MoreDrug Abuse And Addiction : Drugs977 Words  | 4 PagesDrug abuse/addiction Jeremy Graham May 11, 2015 Period, 5 Drug abuse and addiction Drug abuse/addiction is a major problem in Indiana that affects many individual. Several solutions such as rehab and drug classes have been tried. Yet, the best solution is taking drug classes. Many people do not understand why people become addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse. They mistakenly view drug abuse and addiction as strictly a socialRead MoreDrug Abuse2895 Words  | 12 PagesDay against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking every year. It is an exercise undertaken by the world community to sensitize the people in general and the youth in particular, to the menace of drugs. The picture is grim if the world statistics on the drugs scenario is taken into account. With a turnover of around $500 billions, it is the third largest business in the world, next to petroleum and arms trade. About 190 million people all over the world consume one drug or the other. Drug addiction causesRead MoreDrug Abuse and Prevention1510 Words  | 7 Pagesidea of prevention is to limit the availability of drugs (Hart Ksir, 2011, p. 400), but this is not essentially the best way. Addiction affects everyone. According to the National Inst itute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), substance abuse cost our nation â€Å"more than $484 billion dollars (The National Institute on Drug Abuse ).†So although you might not be directly impacted by drug abuse, as a whole your tax dollars are spent on fighting the war on drugs. Currently there are several different types of substanceRead MoreDrug Abuse On The Workplace Essay1704 Words  | 7 PagesDrug Abuse in the Workplace: The human resource topic I chose to write my research paper on is â€Å"Drug Abuse in the Workplace†. Drug abuse in the workplace is something very common that many of us will encounter at some point. Alcohol and drug abuse has a major effect on employee absence and lost productively that leaves a negative working environment. It is important a company addresses the right guidelines to keep a drug free workplace. Establishing a clear and fair substanceRead MoreDrug Abuse And Substance Abuse1658 Words  | 7 PagesThe National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines drug abuse as, â€Å" It becomes drug abuse when people use illegal drugs or use legal drugs inappropriately.†This may include; the repeated uses of drugs to produce pleasure, alleviates stress, and/or alters or avoids reality. The perception of addiction and substance abuse has been widely known for many years, but the medical community has failed to accept and publicly this issue among it own members . Drug abuse by nurses is prevalent in today societyRead MoreInjectable Drug Abuse1488 Words  | 6 PagesMEMORANDUM INJECTABLE DRUG ABUSE: GROWING CHALLENGE IN NORTH-EASTERN PART OF INDIA FROM: AE28697 TO: Ministry of development of north east affairs, India RE: Scenario C-Health and harm reduction DATE: 19 October 2013 Introduction North-east (NE) India is connected to remaining part of India through a constricted passage known as Siliguri Corridor squeezed between Nepal and Bangladesh (Hussain, 2011). It comprises of seven sister states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, NagalandRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse And Prescription Drugs1487 Words  | 6 PagesPrescription Drug Abuse Prescription Drug Abuse has increased in an alarming rate over recent years! Prescription drug related deaths now outnumber those from heroin and cocaine combined. The abuse in prescription drugs in America goes back more than a hundred years ago. Prescription drug abuse is the use of a medication without a prescription, in a way other than prescribed, or for the experience or feelings elicited. Although prescription medications are intended to help individuals, they can
Monday, May 11, 2020
Transformational Leadership Style - 9215 Words
International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (2009) 254–262 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Hospitality Management journal homepage: Transformational leadership style, market competition and departmental performance: Evidence from luxury hotels in Australia Anoop Patiar a,*, Lokman Mia b a b Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management, Grifï ¬ th University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, Brisbane, Qld. 4111, Australia Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Grifï ¬ th University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, Brisbane, Qld. 4111, Australia A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Market competition Transformational leadership†¦show more content†¦Similarly, Boerner et al. (2007) found that the organizational behaviour of subordinates had some inï ¬â€šuence on the relationship between transformational leadership and performance. However, subordinates’ ability to communicate task-oriented behaviour inï ¬â€šuences the relationship between transformational leadership and improvements in job processes. Davidson (2003), Wilkins et al. (2007) and Zetie et al. (1994) argue that motivated employees are more likely to deliver superior quality products and customer services. Hinkin and Tracey (1994) and Tracey and Hinkin (1996) highlight that, despite the intense market competition, senior managers in hotels have traditionally shown a tendency to practice a transactional leadership. Bass (1985) describes transactional A. Patiar, L. Mia / International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (2009) 254–262 255 leadership style as being focused on clarifying roles and guiding subordinates to achieve pre-determined goals based on rewards. Indeed, transactional leadership offers employees only limited (if any) participation in decision-making or even none at all. Hinkin and Tracey (1994) and Tracey and Hinkin (1996) contend that, while transactional leadership style is likely to provide favourable results in a stable environment, its continual use under intense marketShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership1426 Words  | 6 Pagesprove that transformational leadership styles have a major influence on the employee motivation and organisational culture, hence influence the long term success of the business. A number of key leadership styles, together with the transformational leadership will be discussed and linked to real business-world examples. According to the research, there are three main leadership styles, specifically transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire. It has been found that a transformational leadershipRead MoreLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership1457 Words  | 6 PagesOne leadership style stands out for its potential to advance organizational goals and achievement: Transformational Leadership. Understanding how leadership affects operations and the role it plays in organizations is crucial to success. This manuscript will examine Transformational leadership. It will also give examples of people that have embraced this leadership style. Finally, to help better understand the stance taken the text will explore several views on Transformational Leadership and whyRead MoreLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership1913 Words  | 8 Pagesleader; this is a leadership style called transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is a style of leadership that an individual is admired by many co-workers, changes how things are done, improves the vision for the future and motivate to the entire work environment to be better as a whole. Fact is that leaders who develop the style of a transformational leader leads to a better organisation performance, and a better job/employee satisfaction. Transformational leadership is based on fourRead MoreLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership Style2413 Words  | 10 Pagesthere is a direct correlation between effective leadership and a higher level of emotional intelligence. Management theory tends to differentiate between two distinct leadership styles – transformational and transactional. It is the former that theorists link to a higher levels of emotional intelligence in the managers, as well as higher levels of performance in their subordinates. A transformational leadership style differs from a transactional style in that the latter tends to focus on the use ofRead MoreLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership1927 Words  | 8 PagesLeadership comes in many different styles. Depending on the type of mission or goal one has each style of leadership can be helpful or harmful. One leadership style that has been found to work well in a career setting is transformational leadership (Doody and Doody, 2012). Transformational leaders are described as having a deep set of internal values that they encourage those under them to take part in, in the end the ultimate goal for transformational leader is to help the greater good (Doody andRead MoreLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership1112 Words  | 5 PagesLeadership Style Leadership is a process by which a person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of others (Agard, 2011, p. 330). Leadership models can enable or hinder an organizations success. Additionally, leadership styles impact how effectively organizations reach their goals. When leaders understand their dominate leadership style, they can identify their strengths and weaknesses and gain insights on their abilities, values, and beliefs. In addition, understanding a leadersRead MoreLeadership Styles : Transformational Leadership1370 Words  | 6 PagesQUESTION 2 Transformational Leadership To improve motivation of employees it is necessary for the Simbian’s top-management to change their leadership style. Balazs (2002) claimed that for industries, which based on individual’s creativity and team work, such as professional architectural firms, transformational leadership style is crucial for organizations well-being. In 1978 Burns first introduced the theory of transformational leadership and differentiate it with transactional in his researchRead MoreTransformational And Authoritarian Leadership Style1691 Words  | 7 Pages Transformational or Authoritarian Leadership Style Pamela Walsh Leadership Dr. Maureen Nixon March 9, 2015 Transformational or Authoritarian Leadership Style Over the course of several decades, the depiction of leadership has changed. What was thought to be innovative and participative or transformational tactic to leadership has replaced the classical and autocratic or authoritarian approach. The step forward that not everything old is bad and not everything new is good wasRead MoreA Unique Leadership Style And Transformational Leadership1286 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership is the process of motivating others toward completion of a common goal and/or task. Luthans Avolio (2003) also introduced the concept of authentic leadership development, which is one of the many psychological perspectives of leadership. Authentic leadership is often defined as a pattern of transparent and ethical leadership behaviors’ that encourage openness in sharing information needed to make decisions while accepting followers’ input (Bass, 1999). I truly believe deep in my heartRead MoreThe Transformational Leadership Model Style1380 Words  | 6 Pagescompanies across the world. The company has roughly 60,000 employees in over 50 different countries. Leadership Style and Impact Leadership is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals. A â€Å"people activity, distinct from administrative paper shuffling or problem-solving activities (Daft, 2011). Richard Branson most represents the transformational leadership model style. Transformational leaders have a special ability to bring out innovation and change by recognizing followers’ needs
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
International Business Strategies For Action Essay
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGIES IN ACTION Name: Institution: Course: Date: Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 3 Research Plan and Analysis 4 Research Plan 4 Research Analysis 5 Barriers to International Trade 5 Conclusion 8 Counter-purchases 8 Acquisitions 8 E-business 8 Reference 9 International Business Strategies in Action Part 1 Executive Summary OO Consulting is a major human resource firm within the local and regional market extending to cover the United States, Canada. We pride ourselves in providing excellent and relevant strategic, managerial solutions to our clients who range exclusively of medium sized firms to multinationals. We attribute this to our strong work ethic to efficacy and accuracy in task performances. This is alongside stretching the professional and educational limits of members with an objective of providing fresh challenges and contributing to the overall academic and professional development of members. This report aims at providing an overview to the challenges posed to organizations that are intending to extend their operations into both the regional and global markets. A major reason why most organizations fail in the pursuit of globalization is not necessarily due to the strong competition experienced by other established multinationals but rather the lack of foresight on the bottlenecks present in participating within these markets. As such, they fail to incorporate means of solving or going around suchShow MoreRelatedMarketing Strategy For Global Brand Management1215 Words  | 5 PagesShoreham-by-Sea. They are a truly international organization and face the challenges that come with this in terms of controlling and monitoring on the one hand and achieving full market potential on the other. Global brand management involves â€Å"determining communalities and differences in the business strategy, brand expression and marketing and being able to develop an international strategy that incorporates these. Corporate strategy relates to how an organization plans its future business, its growth and itsRead MoreWhat Are the Specific Characteristics of the International Marketing Activities Designed and Implemented by Small Firms?1266 Words  | 6 PagesInternational Marketing What are the specific characteristics of the international marketing activities designed and implemented by small firms? As defined Robert W. Rowden (Thunderbird International Business Review, March-April 2001), a small firm (with a maximum of 50 employees) is centralized and personalized through management of an owner-manager. This type of organization provides some advantage such as proximity between manager and employees because there is less hierarchy. FurthermoreRead MoreFour Seasons Hotel Case Study1700 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Four Seasons’ Strategic Choices A company’s strategy can be identified by figuring out what business approaches and actions the company undertakes. Thompson et al. (2009) outline the key elements to look for in the process of understanding a company’s strategy. Four Seasons’ differentiation based focused strategy is evident from the organisation’s strategic actions. Sharp’s decision to build on high-end luxury and modern amenities so as to outdo the old grand hotels (p.3, para.3) is an exampleRead Moretopshop marketing plan1483 Words  | 6 PagesID:43228259 Business Name:Topshop Email Address:  TOPSHOP Marketing Plan Prepared: [25 Dec 2013] Table of Contents 1 Marketing Plan Summary [Please complete this page last] [The marketing plan summary is a snapshot of your more detailed answers from your marketing plan. It should be easy to read and simple to follow. ] Introduction of Topshop Business name: TopshopRead MoreInternational Paper Foodservice Business: Strategic Choice and Evaluation 1231 Words  | 5 PagesInternational Paper Choice and Evaluation International Paper Foodservice Business is known for the high-quality paper product they products. Consumers can also depend on the company utilizing recyclable products to help prevent damage to the environment. International Paper Foodservice Business company mission statement states be one of the best and most respected companies in the world - as measured by our employees, our customers, our communities and our shareowners†(International Paper, 2011)Read MoreStrategic Planning : A Successful Multinational Corporation ( Mnc )1370 Words  | 6 Pagesrequired be clear and specific. A sound vision and mission enable the firms to form a suitable business strategy to compete in a global competition. There is a simple question for MNCs in term of business strategies to which strategy should be applied for their company in long-term plan. MNCs have to cope with the changing global business environment. Managers need to create the effective business strategies for the specific country, which involves the use of scenario planning. Scenario planning isRead MoreGlobal Organisation : Lavalin Rail And Transit Ltd1488 Words  | 6 Pagesairports, ports and harbours, facilities architecture and engineering. This report captures the engineering division of the infrastructure sector within SNC-Lavalin named Rail and Transit. 1.1 Rail and Transit In 2011 SNC-Lavalin acquired the international rail consultancy Interfleet Technology Ltd in 2016 Interfleet integrated with the SNC-Lavalin brand and was renamed SNC-Lavalin Rail and Transit Ltd. The SNC-Lavalin Rail Transit division has the global ability to offer services across all typesRead MoreEssay on Model questions for Global Marketing1523 Words  | 7 Pagesundertake the international marketing of their products and services. Cultural and political forces influence international marketing activity. Discuss the impact of these forces and illustrate your answers with examples. â€Å"The global competitor will seek to standardise his offering everywhere†(Levitt). Critically evaluate this view with specific reference to a firm’s international product/service strategy and communications strategy. Illustrate your answer with examples. International marketingRead MoreGlobalization : Operations Management And Globalization991 Words  | 4 Pagesworld. To develop globally, organizations must dramatically transform their management tactics. Because operations management plays a serious part in the general business plan of global organizations, it is vital for operations managers to consider the different trials and tribulations existing in different countries and develop strategies based on those findings. (Glassmeye/McNamee, 2004) Operations Management and Globalization Before one can actually enter into a global market, there are severalRead MoreVodafone’s Strategies in the Indian Market1163 Words  | 5 PagesProject Outline – YM Vodafone’s strategies in the Indian Market ABSTRACT Global corporations have been vastly and quickly shifting their products/services into emerging markets around the world. With the advancements in technology, faster communication and easier channels to reach the consumer, barriers and country borders seem very faint. Although there has been numerous success storied of MNE’s crossing oceans and achieving success overseas, there are numerous considerations, assessments and
The Development Procedure Of Learning Circumstances Education Essay Free Essays
Dave A. Kolb was an American educational theoretician who was working on experimental acquisition, on calling development and on executive and professional instruction. Analyzing acquisition processs, he created four phases which constitute the Kolb ‘s Learning Cycle. We will write a custom essay sample on The Development Procedure Of Learning Circumstances Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now ( Helen G. Thalassis. ( 2008 ) . Learning Styles. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 28th December 2012 ] ) . The first phase is called concrete experience. The scholar prefers to larn through experiences instead than theories and stress the feeling more than thought. The 2nd phase is brooding observation and it ‘s about expression back at what he has done and stress contemplation more than action. The following phase is called abstract conceptualisation. Use of logic, thoughts and stress believing more than feeling. The 4th and the last one phase is active experimentation which is when the scholar prefers the practical application instead than brooding apprehension. ( Clara Davies. ( 2013 ) . Kolb Learning Cycle Tutorial – Inactive Version. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 03rd January 2013 ] ) Kolb separated larning manner to four classs harmonizing to the scholar ‘s abilities. The learning manner is non stable. A scholar is able to follow a different manner when it is appropriate in order to confront the acquisition challenge. ( Bradford VTS. ( 2012 ) . Kolb ‘s Learning theory, Optional Material of Greater Expectations, Smart Business Coaching Course, Session 4. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20cycle.pdf. [ Accessed 27th December 2012 ] ) . The first sort of scholar is called converger. Harmonizing to Kolb a converger, is able to run through illation experience and happen solutions. It is about believing ( Abstract Conceptualization ) and making ( Active Experimentation ) . As 2nd sort of scholar Kolb gives the diverger scholar. A diverger scholar is quick-witted, able to see state of affairss from many angles and likes group work. It is about experiencin g ( Concrete Experience ) and watching ( Reflective Observation ) . The 3rd learning manner is learner. An learner is good to make theoretical theoretical accounts. He/she likes meticulosity and truth and prefers theories to be logical. This manner is about believing ( Abstract Conceptualization ) and watching ( Reflective Observation ) . ( Helen G. Thalassis. ( 2008 ) . Learning Styles. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 28th December 2012 ] ) . As concluding manner we have the obliger. Ready to seek chances and acquire involved in new experiences. Normally an obliger is hazardous and Acts of the Apostless like leader. It works with feeling ( Concrete Experience ) and making ( Active Experimentation ) . ( Users On Net. ( 1998 ) . Kolb ‘s Four Dominant Learning Skills. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 04th January 2013 ] ) Trying to analyze myself I observe that as a individual I like the theoretical modeling in any facet of my life. I prefer to absorb observations into an structured result. I love to cognize what the experts think and when I think that the reply is incorrect I try to happen out the solution by using good developed theories. Planing and order are two critical things of my character. I like to hold control on anything and I manage this by be aftering. Planning is necessary as it is the manner that I use to delegate precedences. The same applies in larning. When I have to cover with any undertaking, I set up my mark, I plan how I can accomplish it and I set aims by delegating the precedence of each of them. I so seek to happen out the theoretical background of the aims that I set and through structured attack I try to come to a decision. Taking the aforesaid into history and using the Kolb ‘s theory to myself I consider that I am an learner. Runing through my past acquisition experiences I recall that at my last twelvemonth in high-school my schoolmates and I were assigned a group undertaking about the planetary heating. While the others were non paying the necessary attending to the undertakings that we had to finish, I instantly settled my end and decided the assorted aims that I had to run into, I established a timeline for the completion of the assorted phases of my research and I tried to happen the theoretical background on the subject. I spent by and large excessively much clip in researching about theories relevant to the planetary warning and I had troubles in using these to my undertaking largely in the manner of existent execution against to the settled timeline. In another illustration of my past acquisition experiences I bring in my head an person undertaking that I was assigned to at my high schoo l two old ages ago, about the educational development in my country. Once I was assigned with the undertaking I prepared a timeline for the completion of it and I settled my mark. Then I identified the aims that I had to run into against this timeline and I started instantly my research in the field of the theories that are relevant with my undertaking. What I can place now is that I was lost in the theoretical research, passing excessively much clip in this activity, something that created job in implementing what I had planned to make. Basis on the above I realise that I have a deficiency in the field of the existent executing of my planned marks. I could better this by seeking to heighten my execution accomplishments and on that manner the active experimentation is the manner to travel frontward. In this paper I have proved that I am an learner by uncovering the creases of my character and my past acquisition experiences that support this. However I have identified the weak point of mine in the field of â€Å" do ‘s †every bit good. I have now to be after the manner to cover this weak point in my attempt to better myself non merely as a pupil and scholar but as a societal member and individual every bit good. How to cite The Development Procedure Of Learning Circumstances Education Essay, Essay examples
Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti and The Seduction by Eileen McAuley Essay Example For Students
Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti and The Seduction by Eileen McAuley Essay Apart from the clear differences in the structure of these two texts, the similarity is between the authors. A female Christina Rossetti who seemed to be very ardent in her work and towards what men wrote about women, a feminist woman, wrote Cousin Kate in the Victorian times. This was very unusual for his time, as women then did not have any rights or allowed to speak out and were treated unfairly particularly by men. The author of the 1980s poem The seduction is a young woman from Liverpool, who also had very strong view towards women. Eileens views are not that surprising for then or now as women have many more rights and are treated as much as and equal to men. Women have also gained the respect of men. What is very surprising is that both texts are both related to the same topic and both of a very similar view. Linking back to the previous paragraph another difference between the two texts is the setting and difference in the periods of time, early nineteenth century and late twentieth century. One difference between the two poems is the males, the boy and the lord, the lord does not really have to try to impress the maid or Kate. He can just use his power and money. The boy in The Seduction, however, has to try to impress the girl. The poem tells us he is wearing a leather jacket; this could be to make him look older or more sophisticated. He told her about football; Sammy Lee and Ian Rush also suggests that the boy is showing off. He tells her about football because he knows a lot about it and so shares all his knowledge in the hope that he will look intelligent and so he will impress her. Far from the blind windows of the tower blocks. By using this personification Eileen McAuley is telling the reader that the city is dark, that the couple are alone and that it is quite safe for him to seduce her without anyone seeing them. In a poem, the author has to use powerful words to express the meaning of the sentence where as in a story a whole paragraph can be used. This can be seen in the line So she followed him there all high white shoes. The author here is telling us that she was pure innocent and still a virgin but wanted to be older and not so pure hence why she is wearing the high heels. The use of language is also very important in both poems. Imagery is a technique that is used frequently in The Seduction and in Cousin Kate. In Cousin Kate the maid says even so I sit and howl in dust, you sit in gold and sing. This creates an image of how bad Kate is feeling. The use of the word howl gives us an understanding of how upset the maid is and how bad she feels. The use of the word howl makes us compare her crying to the sound of a wolf. There is a lot of imagery in The Seduction. The setting is described using phrases such as the quiet bricks of Birkenhead docks, far past the silver stream of traffic and far from the blind windows. Adjectives such as quiet, silver and blind build up a picture of the setting. In addition, the use of the silver stream tells us that the girl is drunk by using alliteration to create a slurring sound. In The Seduction there are similes such as his eyes as blue as iodine and the Mersey, green as a septic wound. These similes help to create a picture of the setting by giving the reader something to compare with. .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc , .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .postImageUrl , .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc , .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:hover , .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:visited , .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:active { border:0!important; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:active , .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u89ca308add7384ba1f106d721b41f2bc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Essay: peaches and creamIn Cousin Kate the metaphor your love was write in sand is used. This tells us that the maid thinks Kates love is temporary and fake. She believes it could simply be washed away. A lot of the language used in The Seduction is symbolic. So she followed him there all high white shoes is an example of this. It is important that the shoes are described as white as white is a symbol of purity and purity is a strong theme is both of the poems. Later in the poem, it says and on that day she broke the heels of her high white shoes. This is telling us that she has lost her innocence and is no longer pure. Another example of this is in The Seduction where the girl rips up all her magazines until they were just bright paper, like confetti strewn on the carpet. The confetti is linked to weddings. The word confetti is used as it is immediately linked to marriage, and again purity. Finally, The Seduction says with a softly rounded belly. The word belly is used because it is a childish word and so reminds us that the girl in the poem is still a child. Symbolism is also used in Cousin Kate. The maid says you sit in gold and sing. Gold is a symbol of wealth and riches, singing represent happiness. The maiden says, So I sit and howl in dust as dust is a symbol of poverty and dirt. The maid is saying she feels lonely, dirty and unhappy. Another technique used in both poems is repetition, which is mainly used for emphasis. In The Seduction, it says by stupid, stupid promises. This could be an example of the girl realizing her guilt and beginning to face up to the mistakes she has made.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Explain how the theories and frameworks influence current practice free essay sample
Theories of development are very important as these theories and frameworks can heavily influence current practice and help us to understand the complexities of children’s behaviours their reactions and can also help us figure out different and new ways of learning. Starting with the constructivist approach (piaget). Piaget worked on intelligence testing and during this period he realised that children would consistently give wrong answers to certain questions so he began to consider and review why this was. He used his own children in the testing and his theory was often referred to as a constructivist approach as he suggested children constructed thoughts according to the experiences around them. Piaget’s beliefs helped people understand why children’s thinking is sometimes different from our own. The belief was seen to be that as the children develops so does there way of thinking. Piaget’s work has been seen to influence hands on approach to teaching children and also to create a specific teaching plan for an individual child dependent on their way of thinking and learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain how the theories and frameworks influence current practice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is something that Priors Court School does engage in their approach to teaching the children we look after. Freud’s theory was one of personality / psychoanalytic, Freud is famous for his psychosexual theory of development which is used to explain unconscious thoughts or actions. Freud’s theories suggested that there were three parts that made up our personality. The â€Å"id†the â€Å"ego†and the â€Å"super-ego†. The id is the instinctive part of a child’s personality, this is said to be the child knowing what it needs in regards to the body, hunger or finding pleasure. A child will be born with its id and once its needs are met ie being hungry and then getting fed is known as gratification. Then the ego works out the best way to meet the id needs of the child. The ego is often seen as the common sense part of our personality and usually starts in the first few months of living. Freud’s theories are generally seen as useful within professional circles and have been criticised for not standing up against scientific scrutiny. Freud’s theory is a good one to look at in relation to the teaching of children but not on to necessarily taken as fact. Next Maslow, Maslow’s theory was one of motivation and personality, often known as the humanist approach saying that motivation and personality are linked to our basic needs being met. The conclusion of Maslow’s theory was that people have certain fundamental needs which need to be met before they could fill their full potential â€Å"self –actualisation†This was demonstrated in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs pyramid. The way in which this links to current practice is that when working with children and young people it is essential that their needs are met. Professionals working with children need to strive to create a stimulating environment for children and form strong relationships with them. Bandura social learning theory was a behaviourist approach that suggests that people learn from watching others. This is often referred to as observational learning. This links in with current practice due to the fact that children will often learn a lot of social behaviours by the way in which people act around them. In Priors Court School for example we make sure that we are good role models to our students by being polite and showing positive behaviours. Operant conditioning is a theory that was pioneered by Skinner, and it is a theory that is based on the type of consequence that is given following a particular behaviour. Skinner divided the consequences of actions into three groups, positive rein forcers, negative reinforcers and punishers. Skinner looked at what would happen to behaviour if giving positive reinforcers at different intervals. Most professionals and practitioners will use this theory in one way or another such as giving rewards for good behaviour or sanctions for bad behaviour so the theory is well used in today’s frameworks and practices. To conclude, the professionals that have looked at the theories of development have greatly helped the framework and current practice of looking after children and young people. And in my opinion helped and improved the practitioners and professionals capability to look after autistic children.
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